NHL Rumor Mill – September 23, 2020

by | Sep 23, 2020 | Rumors | 83 comments

Some potential destinations for Alex Pietrangelo plus the latest on the Penguins and Capitals in today’s NHL rumor mill.


TSN: Pierre LeBrun wonders if the St. Louis Blues will consider trading Alex Pietrangelo’s rights if they don’t re-sign the pending free-agent defenseman before Oct. 9. The acquiring team could sign him to an eight-year deal, lowering the annual average value, Pietrangelo would get more money under that scenario, while the Blues could get a good asset in return. LeBrun suggests the Vegas Golden Knights, Toronto Maple Leafs, and Calgary Flames as possible destinations if Pietrangelo hits the open market.

TORONTO STAR: Mark Zwolinski acknowledged the Leafs need for a top-shelf blueliner like Pietrangelo, but finding the cap space to sign him will be challenging for general manager Kyle Dubas. They have over $6 million in cap space and would have to shed salary to make it work.

Zwolinski suggests Alexander Kerfoot and Andreas Johnsson as trade candidates, and also felt William Nylander would have to be considered. The risks of acquiring another high-priced player would be high under a flattened salary cap.

SPECTOR’S NOTE: I don’t doubt the Leafs will inquire if Pietrangelo becomes available. As per Cap Friendly, they’ve already handcuffed themselves with over $40.4 million tied up in just four players: Nylander ($6.9 million), Mitch Marner ($10.8 million), John Tavares ($11 million) and Auston Matthews ($11.8 million). Adding Pietrangelo could push that figure to almost $50 million, leaving little room to bolster their depth as needed throughout the rest of the roster. Unless they’re moving out Nylander, they should consider more affordable blueline options.

I don’t see the Golden Knights in the market for Pietrangelo. They have $76.5 million tied up in 18 players. If they re-sign Robin Lehner, they’ll have to shed salary by moving out goalie Marc-Andre Fleury or someone else, leaving little room for a big-ticket defenseman.

With $64.5 million committed to 14 players, the Flames have the cap space to sign Pietrangelo, but that move could push them to $73 million invested in 15 players. That won’t leave much to find a possible replacement for Cam Talbot if he’s not re-signed, let alone fill out the rest of the roster.


THE ATHLETIC (subscription required): Rob Rossi and Josh Yohe report multiple league sources claim Pittsburgh Penguins GM Jim Rutherford has received several inquiries about winger Bryan Rust. Rutherford isn’t shopping Rust and prefers keeping the top-six winger, but wouldn’t rule out trading him if the return was significant, such as at least an NHL-ready player and a top-six prospect.

SPECTOR’S NOTE: In other words, Rust remains a Penguin.

They also cite multiple sources claiming Rutherford is attempting to clear enough salary-cap space to sign Chris Tanev if the Vancouver Canucks defenseman hit the open market on Oct. 9. The Penguins GM isn’t concerned about Tanev’s age (30) and is willing to offer a five-year contract concurrent to the final five years of brother (and Penguins forward) Brandon Tanev. Chris is said to be seeking a raise over the $4.45-million AAV of his current contract. A Penguins source claims they’d prefer keeping the AAV to $5 million.

SPECTOR’S NOTE: That’s not a good idea. Tanev’s performance has declined over the last couple of years as the wear-and-tear of his style of play are taking a toll on his body. A short-term deal (two years) might be worth the gamble, but five years at $5 million per is too risky. Meanwhile, TSN’s Rick Dhaliwal reports the Canucks have yet to make Tanev a contract offer.

Rossi and Yohe also report the Penguins and Evgeni Malkin’s camp have expressed interest in a three-year contract extension allowing Malkin to retire as a Penguin.

SPECTOR’S NOTE: But…but…Malkin’s supposed to be unhappy as second fiddle to Crosby. No, wait, he’s getting traded to the Kings. Or was it he’s retiring and returning to Russia at the end of his current contract? Dammit, it’s difficult keeping these Malkin rumors straight!

The Pens aren’t against acquiring a third-line center but are content to keep recently re-signed Jared McCann in that role. It doesn’t appear they’ve approached Patric Hornqvist about waiving his no-trade clause.


THE ATHLETIC (subscription required): Tarik El-Bashir lists the New York Islanders Thomas Greiss, Dallas’ Anton Khudobin and Calgary’s Cam Talbot as free-agent backup goalie options for the Washington Capitals.

SPECTOR’S NOTE: Given Braden Holtby’s expected departure via free agency, the Capitals will need an experienced backup for promising Ilya Samsonov. Greiss, Khudobin and Talbot would be fine choices, though Khudobin’s playoff heroics could put him outside the Caps’ price range. Cap Friendly indicates they’ve got $72.6 million invested in 17 players.


  1. Vegas is popping up as THE destination for almost every free agent, IMO. I was disappointed that a team went there. With Seattle, a teams been there before. More acceptable to me. Expansion just isn’t my cup of tea.

    • I have gone to a couple of hockey games in Vegas. They are a first class operation. The city has really embraced the Golden Knights. Whoever figured out that Vegas of all places would be a good place for hockey were right. Look at the success this team has had in such a short period of time. It’s Vegas Baby !! As far as expansion…..I hope we stop at 32 teams. Enough is enough.


      Sad to say this especially at the time when the Leafs need a right shot D man ..BUT I am really worried with the definition of the team as a whole ..
      Iam not an advocate of dipping into the CAP bank AGAIN to overpay ( another ) player ..going into his 30s…They will really hamper further development in other areas that they need to round out the team….They still have no size on teh Wings ..on ANY LINE!
      They need a 3rd and 4th line Center that plays hard heavy and can skate ..and they still have D men who are wayyyy to soft Rielly is arguably a 1 – 2 D man …and the rest of the team is 3rd pairing.
      Sandin is a good puck mover and may be good on the Power play one day …but not now and not yet ..

      Id really rather see the Leafs make a SIGNIFICANT trade for multiple players than keep the present roster in the top 6 than cut around edges and try and sign another big contract ..IMO Nylander Kefroot have to go ..Iam not resigning ANYONE on the bottom 6 pairings ..Id give Engvall another shot but that its ..and if it were up to me Id also dangle Sandin ..in getting a top D man along with Nylander instead ..Iam getting tired of the overspending on few players and the rest of the team is now suffering in all other areas..
      Leafs need to make DEALS to upgrade not open the bank they have 4 players roughly at almost $40 million dollars …they are running out of runway ..and the team will suffer long term ..at this rate ..


      I still think Holtby is a top elite Goalie ..he may not command the $ 8 9 Million per AAV ..but I think he gets close to the $7 in the end ..IMO

      Khudobin ..
      Yes will be outside the price range for most teams …but he will not be a back up next year and will get a starting Job IMO some where …

      Take care have a good day ..

      Oilers maybe ???

      • I agree that the Leafs cannot be as top heavy as they are and be successful. Especially since the cap will not be rising to make it more manageable in the future.

        I think the Leafs need a top D like Petro. But that means they need to subtract from their current big 4 so that they still have money for depth.

        Although I really like Marner – I think he is the one to go. His huge cap hit would allow the Leafs to sign Petro and leave a couple million for other players.

        Are there any teams that would trade top draft picks or a young defence on entry level salaries for Marner?

        If so, you would essentially be trading Marner for Petro plus the combination of picks and cheap young talent.

        Toronto improves their defence and depth today, while ensuring that they have future young talent on inexpensive contracts to provide depth for tomorrow.

        Is this feasible?
        Which teams might be interested in Marner?

      • @Chris – I don’t think there is much of a market for Marner’s full cap hit without sending some kind of salary back in the deal. If there are, I can see the return being underwhelming for Leaf’s fans as a result of his salary.

      • The one thing that could help get decent value for Marner is he has already been paid US$14.3M (!) in signing bonus for the upcoming season and his salary for 20/21 is only $700k. The cash out on the remainder of the deal is just over US$35M for the next 5 years. Marner is good value at that cost. A lot of teams aren’t spending to the cap in the next few years and would see the $10.7M cap hit on $7M/year spending as an asset. They could get to the cap floor without spending the cap floor dollar requirements like Ottawa did last year.

        The two determining factors for a Marner trade are:

        1) Would the acquiring team be OK with the remaining years of the contract still being front loaded (i.e. nearly paid in full before season starts).

        2) Would the Leafs trade Marner after effectively paying US$30.3M for one season on his post-entry level contract.

      • Kal El…we are in agreement that the Leafs should not pursue Pietrangelo. Spending that much $8M is foolish.

        I disagree that Nylander has to go. He scored 31 G last year and makes $6.9M. He’s not overpaid. He’ll only get better. He’s a polarizing player but worth keeping.

        The place to save cap space is on Kerfoot and Johnsson. Dubas would be wise to enquire about Pesce from CAR. He’s only making just over $4M, and fits within the age of the Leafs core.

        How about this…

        To CAR: Johnsson, Andersen 15th pick

        To TOR: Pesce, Reimer 13th pick

        The Leafs could play Agostino or Petan in place of Johnsson and not notice much difference.

      • Be wary of older back up goaltenders that shine for a time. Sabres thought Hutton could be a one and a mentor to Ullmark. The three year contract they gave him leaves them hanging with a player they may have demote to the AHL this season. Khudobin and Griess have looked good this post-season but I wouldn’t offer either of them a multi-year contract.

  2. Declining performance, salary cap frozen, aging and his own team confidently letting him walk. I cannot see Holtby getting a big payday. Any smart GM should walk away. And I have always liked Holtby, just the wrong time for him to be an UFA.


      • And just what Tampa needs…. more cap issues!

  3. I’d love to see Malkin retire a pen but I do believe he plays for Russia before hanging them up.

    • I do get a kick out of the Geno & Letang rumors, they are every year & very funny.

      • Not as much funas watching Rutherford run the entire franchise into the ground.

      • Ron, Does focusing on Rutherford’s bad and potential bad moves help you to forget about some of those contracts the Flyers have given out? JVR for example…

      • Takes him back to the 70’s

      • Black N Gold here…I know those rumors are like ground hog day…every year..LOL

    • Yup definitely see Malkin playing a Datsyuk and playing in Mother Russia before before hanging them up.

      • Chrisms, that pic is gold. I love it.

      • Chrisms

        I’m confident that Gino has a T-Shirt on underneath that says “I’m with Stupid” in Russian

      • Nice.

      • Chrisms, Now there a guy you definitely don’t want to get in a revolving door with! LOL LOL

  4. Handing Brandon Tanev a 6 year deal was bad enough but now Chris? Five years??? Rutherford is getting senile in his old age. Pens fans can only hope that Mario and/or Burkle refuse to sign off on that investment. As a diehard Pens fan I have zero reason to complain but can’t help feel that the window is closed shut. Especially when I compare this team to the Lightning. Jon Cooper could have easily been describing the Pens when he said his team went from being flashy to battle hardened. Pens are flashy and soft.

  5. Lyle, you need to add Muzzin and Reilly’s salary to any Pieterangelo scenario, which, with him signed would push the Leafs to 60 million for 7 players.

    Please, Dubas, make Wendel’s day and sign Pieterangelo. It will make my day too: I have a buddy who is a Leafs fan and it would be great to see their team composed of what 20 million does for 14 extra players. Ushers? They already have uniforms …

  6. Let’s agree to keep St. Louis as the #1 potential destination for Pietrangelo (although I am NOT pleased with the rumored 8 year term of contract)!!

    It’s my understanding that Petro would need to approve the trading of his rights to another team, and I really doube he’s looking to do the Blues a favor!?

    • I hope the Blues can re-sign Petro but if not my money is on him signing with Colorado or Boston

    • I agree Iowa Prince, I keep St Louis as the current favorite, although none of us were in the negotiations.
      This might just be a tough negotiation with both sides posturing. I get it, it is Petro’s last shot at the big $$. But it is also a flat cap and the Blues are up against it.
      He may check the market, but there may not be many big offers out there. If any.
      I don’t think the B’s go whale hunting. The Bruins ownership – Jacobs family and Delaware North have had to layoff lots of people and have to be hurting financially during Covid. I think they go short term, tier 2 type guys.
      Colorado is interesting but Sakic seems to like taking risks on younger guys vs older. IE Burakovsky.
      This might be the year where we see fiscal sanity by GM’s, but I have said that every year for a long time.

      • ownership – Jacobs family and Delaware North have had to layoff lots of people and have to be hurting financially

        That says it all. It’s one thing when when a GM tells a rich owner that he needs 5 million to buy out a bad contract when the rich owners business is going great but quite a different story when the business that allowed him to buy the team is struggling.

        A few teams have said they don’t want to spend more that 70 million next season and with Bettman’s statement that fans account for 1/2 the revenue means even at 70 million it’s below the water line.

        Hard to toss out big dollars when
        1) Don’t know when next season will start
        2) Don’t know when fans will be in the stands
        3) Don’t know who (including corporations) will be renewing season tickets
        4) How many big corporations who are struggling ( Airlines, hotels, rent a cars etc) will be cutting back on buying commercial time.

        When October 9 hit’s I don’t see a lot of money thrown at UFA’s right away, WHY, would they, don’t even know when they will be playing again. My guess is that a few teams will be trading decent players for picks & prospects because they need to cut salary and you pay prospects a hell of a lot less and picks nothing until signed.

      • Agree with you Ray on the Bruins not making a splash in the FA market this time around …. it looks like from reports/rumors they are willing to go the trade route

      • Bark,

        I have read that Armstrong can really be difficult (inflexible & uncompromising) in negotiations, especially with Petro’s agent/firm. However, maybe this is the necessary time and circumstances to be tough!?!


  7. Something to think about. Although there’s no vaccine yet, it is widely assumed that it could be approved by end of year. Bettman has even acknowledged there could be fans at games by end of next season. Assuming that top free agents will be signing long term deals, things could return to normal by 2nd year. AAV’s are just that. Doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be getting top dollars in 1st couple of years. There’s already agreements to defer payments.

    • Slick, as much as we would love to go to games, or see fans attending them, it is widely hoped — not assumed — that there will be a vaccine next year.

      • LJ. Most trials are in final stages. My comment is more assuming fans aren’t back until following season. Based on that, I don’t think that will be reason to not sign players. Depends on how deep owners pockets are I guess. What will be interesting, is new cba. Not being able to front-load contracts., which leave you option of buying out last couple years. Pietrangelo will be 31 at start of next season, which means if you sign him 8 years, he’ll turn 38 in last season. Tough decisions.

  8. Flames need to look for help in the twine. Pietrangelo should get around the $8m mark great player but will hamstring them (most teams)
    Holtby would be of infest for the right price.

    Isn’t Reilly Leafs stud defence man ? Isn’t he going to demand $8m on a new deal ? They need to aim much lower than Pietrangelo

    • I don’t think they resign rielly. They have 5 lefties right now. My guess is he is first to go as muzz is signed long term and the other are on entry level, besides dermott who is rfa, no idea what he is getting.

  9. With regard to the Chris Tanev rumor:

    Pengy, get ready for JJ, the sequel.

    • Howard,

      Totally bang on. Tanev is a train wreck. Zero offensive upside and a mess in his own end. Ive had sh*ts that move faster than Tanev.

      As a Flyers fan I hope Rutherford gives Tanev 5 years, make a great pairing with Jimmys other stud stay at home defenceman Johnson.

      Ive watched the Canucks over 75 times a year during Tanevs career and every year he gets worse and worse.

      If Rutherfords starts reading Vancouver media hes going to think hes getting a 25 min a night stud defenceman when the truth is Tanevs a turnstile that gets burned more often than my morning toast.

    • Hi Howard and Ron

      I am against the addition of CT…. but lets get real …. JJ the sequel??

      There is no such thing

      No player in the history of hockey has done as much damage to a team’s success as he has

      18/19…, 11 game points all on him …. not goals… game points…. which would have had Pens 2nd in league not just barely making playoffs; 4 shutouts gone …. JJ

      Every Pens player that played a minimum of 5 games as a Pen over the last two years; has massively better stats when JJ on bench vs on ice with them

      18/19 team as a whole xGF % – XGA % was almost 20 points higher JJ on bench vs him on ice

      19/20 … was hovering on 17%… he would have got that to 20 % if the played 82

      Last 7 play-off/play in games that he was in …. 6 losses … 3 completely on him; another he shared responsibility for

      This playins…. MM 914 overall…, 970 when JJ was on the bench

      Above is just the tip of the iceberg

      Don’t want the investment in CT; unless it comes with assurances that #3 (and let’s add #2) never play another game EVER for Pens

      Rutherford is completely going away from his simple Ronny/Mario marching orders… cut costs; stay competitive…. buying out JJ …. replacing with absolutely any Dman not named Ruhweedel; making up to 930 K for each if the next 3 years… Pens have 9 of those under contract BTW… . saves money…. makes team massively better


  10. All three of Toronto, Vegas and Calgary will need to free up money to get Pietrangelo. It is not impossible for any of them to do so. All three management groups will consider every angle depicted by Lyle. Doesn’t mean all three won’t do it. Kapanen is already gone… Kerfoot and Johnson could easily be traded. Nylander could definitely be part of a trade piece to get Pietrangelo, if they are certain he will sign with them, or any other defender such as Ekblad or OEL. You have to give to get. Not sure why everybody sees a trade or the acquisition of Pietrangelo as completely impossible for any of these three teams. The Leafs roster does not consist of “ushers” by the way nor does any other team. The Leafs biggest problem to be honest is youth. Matthews, Marner and co will continue to mature. This is a central piece of a rebuild which requires patience. Dallas is evidence of how to mix veteran leadership with youthful exuberance and a group of “ushers”. I think Pietrangelo greatly improves all three of these teams and should not consider any other option if he still wants to win. Colorado should be added to these three. Any place else simply gets him a payday and no chance of winning anything.

    • Steven, any team Pietrangelo goes to should be better with his addition. I think it’s kind of hard to determine who will be contending next year, let alone 2-3 years from now. How many had Dallas in finals this year?
      St Louis went from last place to cup champs in 6 months. Vegas went to finals after not even existing!

    • Has anyone said it is impossible for a team to sign Pieterangelo, Steven?

      The issue is the wisdom and the consequences. Let me repeat: The Leafs have $50 million committed to 6 players, without Pieterangelo.

      Could the Leafs acquire him by trading one of their 4 high priced forwards? Yes. But even the cap hit for Nylander, the most affordable, is 7 million for the next four years. With the cap at 81.5 for next year, and possibly several years, any scenario for making room for receiving Pieterangelo and a team taking Nylander will take some doing.

      Even the scenario where it is almost a net salary swap, say Nylander out, Pieterangelo in, the math stays the same for 14+ players to be paid with $20 million.

      This site is for spitballing and dreaming. Please continue. You can even wish away the numbers if you want.

  11. Another bit that made the TSN site yesterday, Josh Ho-Sang. His contract is up with Isles, and a rumor going around that he’s going to KHL….. His agent put out a squash tweet. For a guy that came in with so much bravado and hype post draft, he hasn’t been able to keep a steady spot on the main club’s roster. Granted the Isles have done a good job putting together a pretty competitive roster this year, landed a great coach and the right side was crowded, but could you imagine how exciting they would have gotten with Ho-Sang living up to his expectations. Another 1st round bust? Or does he use this as fuel to drop the stand-offish attitude and get his head right?

  12. If the Leafs, or any other team for that matter can take on players on other Teams LTIR, would that allow them the room to sign someone like Pietrangelo? I did a quick calculation on Cap Friendly and it seems to buy a team a lot of Cap space. With financially struggling teams, would they not want to shed the LTIR contracts even to save the non Insurance commitments?

    • Using LTIR as ca relief is tricky. I think there is some shuffling around players before you but them on LTIR. In most cases, insurance covers the costs for the team so if a team like Toronto wanted to trade for a LTIR player, it will come with a price tag.

      The best thing the Leafs have going for them besides the young age and great skill already locked on the team, is many of these players have descent cap hits but actual low dollar pay. So I team like Ottawa wants to cut costs but wants to keep the cap above the floor can with a player like Anderson who’s cap hit is $5m but actually salary is only $1m. The Leafs, not counting any of the big four (which also have cheaper actual salaries than cap hits) still have about 4-5 guys in a similar boat. I think that might have an added value to some teams…so hopefully as always, dance partners needed.

  13. Lots of Bruin talk about trading DeBrusk….Oilers looking for a 2nd line winger …..tossing this out there DeBrusk for Nurse ….

    • lol debrusk and what , your missing the other half of that package

    • As a Bruins fan, I am not necessarily in favor of trading Debrusk but straight up for Nurse I would jump all over that!

      • I like debrusk, quite a bit actually , but thats not even close , barely a starting point

      • Oh I am well aware of that. I’d jump on that trade the same way I would happily trade a $20 bill for a $100 bill!

        If Debrusk were involved in a trade for Nurse, I imagine the ask would be Debrusk and McAvoy. That’s a harder pill to swallow as a Bruins fan, particularly with Nurse being UFA in a couple of years.

      • Don’t think Boston would trade McAvoy even up for Nurse. Seems like an big overpay.

      • I agree ttutone , if Krug is leaving , mcAvoy is a better fit . Different players fairly equal value I would think depending on what type of d men you already have or want . Don’t see either team wanting to do that straight up. For Edmonton to move him it would have to be an overwhelming offer in my opinion . The deal you mention qualifies double minor but don’t see Sweeney going near that

      • Good Grief. Debrusk and Charlie? C’mon back to earth DM.

  14. Washington’s best play for a seasoned backup is to trade for Dubnyk in Minny while his value is low. Use Holtby’s cap space # from last year to fill the void and have a little wiggle room.

    I would even be agressive and offer

    To MIN: Wilson
    To WSH: Greenway , Dubnyk & pick

    Greenway is cheaper than Wilson. Clears significant cap room to round out roster even better. Dubnyk can solidify a back up role and cover in case he needs to be the part time starter.

    • I think Washington will sign Griess. Cost nothing in terms of assets and is as rock solid as they come as a number 2.
      Thomas did yeoman’s work here on the Island and will be an asset wherever he lands.

  15. I understand why it happens (so save the lectures) but I really wish pro sports management would stop paying for past performance. Just because someone won a Cup relatively recently or even if they’ve done pretty well recently, those aren’t the only considerations.

    The practice of paying guys who are 30+ big, long-term contracts for what they did in their 20’s is ludicrous. But since it’s a thing, older guys think they should be paid for their past performance. Instead, they should be paid more during their prime years. Management and ownership should take on the risk when it’s most likely to pay off, not after they’ve performed their best and will be in decline. It does work out well for the players that do get those massive deals in their late 20’s/early 30’s, though, so you’d have to lower the age of UFA a bit to get them on board.

    That being said, Dom Luszczyszyn (what a name!) says that Petro will likely maintain his value even at his age up until the last few years of a 7-8 year deal. Of course, that is qualified by the caveat that older players get injured more so it is risky. So, he isn’t a bad investment so long as you have enough money available to build around him and your other key players. And in a flat-cap situation for at least the next few years, there aren’t many teams that can do that.

    Ultimately, Petro probably returns to St Louis but they’re going to have a hard time keeping him and Dunn unless they trade one of those bigger contracts. If they do keep both of them, they’re going to have a lot of money tied up on D. Will be interesting to see how they manage all of that.

    • STEP 1

      trade Andersen. Ideally to Flames (for a 2nd) as that will eat into their cash to compete for AP. FLIP TO NYR FOR georgiev.

      STEP 2

      Acquire top pair RHD

      Best option Ekblad (dubas would agree)
      2nd best option Ryan Ellis (nor sure of dubas interest but should be.
      3rd best option, and there for the taking: Sign AP as Ufa. Don’t trade for his rights no need as he wants to be a leaf and we don’t want him for 8 years, preferably 5-6 yes.

      Available trade bait for options 1, 2 and cap space for option 3: Johnsson, Kerfoot, Dermott, Holl, 15th overall, maybe Hyman.

      STEP 3 Compile list of order Leaf players should skate around with the cup in 2021.

      • Why not just be honest, if the leafs don’t move one of the big 4 they will be a mess until the contracts end. Forget about petro he will help but not enough to really contend considering their bottom lines are terrible

    • Well. He did just finish 4th in Norris race. Made 2nd team all league. He’ll be 31 at start of season. Possible he can play at a high level for next 4-5 years. Might be better off with a higher cap hit/shorter term if you have the space.

  16. If Toronto juggles the lineup to pick up Pietrangelo without dropping one of their highly paid forwards they only have to wait until the cap hits 230,00,000 to nicely fill out the rest of their personnel.

    • Hornqvist to the Florida Panthers for defenseman Mike Matheson is allegedly in the works as we speak. Not sure what to think unless GMJR is moving another blueliner and making space for Poulin up front.

      • Will Horny agree to be moved? I believe he has a full NTC.

      • I would prefer

        To PITT: Matheson
        To FLA: JJ & Rust

        JJ is only 3 years less cap hit. Rust gives FLA scoring upfront.

      • Pens4
        Not sure why Fl would do this. Taking a 33 year old with a higher cap hit? Guessing they’re not bringing back Hoffman or Dadinov?
        Maybe they buyout Hörnqvist. 1.7m cap hit every year for 6 years.

      • Hi Pens4Life

        Hadn’t heard it… but if true….

        Then yes… that would mean a JJ buyout replaced by Matheson; Poulin in for Horny…. money and Cap saved…, team better ; faster; younger…👍👍👍👍


        Wow 🤩 f they also sign Soucy (moving Riikola to 7th)…. wow!!!

        Not sure if FLA on Horny’s list though and not sure why FLA would trade to bring in a player 7 years older at a higher Cap hit?

      • Hi IHC

        see my response post above to Pens4Life…. JJ bought out and Horny moved; Rusty stays… financially better

        Either move has JJ exodus…. so 👍👍

      • Slick62

        Reading posts late in order and responding

        See now I’ve duplicated your sentiments on confusion as to why FLA makes that swap… sorry

  17. Domi for Rust? I know GMJR has supposedly had interest in Domi and Habs need talent on the RW.

    (I realize sweeteners may be needed, but a deal with these two as the centrepieces can make sense)

    • Horny has 3 years left and Matheson has 6. The only thing I figure is Rutherford views him as a Schultz type restoration project coming from an average at best team. Florida gets a hard nosed veteran leader that has net front presence on the PP. Still leaves the Pens flooded on the backend…just have Rikola that new contract too.

      • Looking at cap friendly and remember hearing Florida wants to cut salary. Matheson gets bulk of his money in last 3 years of contract. 6.5 mil per.

  18. If I am Dubas I am calling up good ol Bill Guerin and making a trade.

    TOR: Dumba, (maybe another player to even out the dollars a bit more) prospects and/or picks
    MIN: Marner

    Toronto has too much money tied up in forwards and Minnesota has too much money tied up in defense. Both teams no longer have that issue after this trade and they both fill a big need. Leafs could then use their extra cap to sign AP and not have to trade the remaining depth to do so.

    • It is an interesting option. Minnesota would likely have to add another ~US$2-$3M forward contract (Hartman, Donato or Foligno? I don’t Minnesota moves Fiala after the season he had.) and the Leafs would need to get a good young player, prospect or high pick(s) to even that out. Solves a need for both teams.

    • Bad idea in my opinion. The better trade is johnsson and kerfoot for Dumba or johnnson kerfoot and andersen for dumba and dubnyk. You just don’t trade away high end offensive talent even though MM is 2M overpaid. I still wouldn’t want dumba now anyway because he has had a couple off years and seems to have a split focus being face of the diversity movement for NHL. Good for him for that but I would prefer players thinking 100 % hockey if I’m paying 6M per. Thats why I prefer ekblad, ellis or AP.

  19. I like debrusk, quite a bit actually , but thats not even close , barely a starting point

  20. I am thinking the new NHL needs youth or old as the depth. And cheap. No more middle class for 3&4 liners.

    Got to be something more from Pit than Hornquist for Matheson. Just based on position and age

    • Yeah, if I’m Gorton, I’m calling Florida and see if maybe they’ll take Brendan Smith for Barkov!

      • ADA, Strome Lias Anderson and the #22 pick and 2nd pick next year for Barkov? ??

  21. If the Florida / Pens deal goes through, it’s pretty simple to see why Florida makes this trade .

    Matheson is owed 31.5 million over 6 years.

    Hornqvist is owed 16 over 3 years.

    Not exactly a fan of Hörnqvist, but don’t think for any be second that Pittsburgh just nabbed a Hedman, Doughty in this deal. Matheson has issues.

    His defensive game is not sound, not uncommon he’s out of place.
    He’s no Karlsson either. Every year was supposed to be his breakout season…. that has never happened. At 26, I think that time has passed.

    While this may look lopsided, Matheson won’t be bagging any Norris trophy in the future. I don’t think This deal with a anywhere near as lopsided as some will make it.

    Those who do , may want to take in a few Florida games before making that call.

    Matheson is not really the type of player I think Pittsburgh should be targeting. They have plenty of other issues on the blue line, Matheson is only adding to that… not curing it.

    • Nyr4life ,

      Are saying Mike Matheson is the new & slightly improved, Jack Johnson???

      Maybe they can be paired together as the Pens second pairing????

      • I’m not sure I’d go that far, but he’s just not good.

        The trade still hasn’t happened. Maybe Rutherford watched a few Matheson tapes?

      • Hi Uwey

        No one ever in the past; now; or ever in the future; will be JJ

        He stands alone…. I just wish he would stand at home ; from now on

        He’s listed as a stay at home D-Man … so stay at home!!!

  22. Matheson is no super star. However. Decent showing at 2 WC and a couple of dash 1 ‘ s with a horrendous -24 two years back. First rounder . Definitely worse players out there.

  23. Move out Marner and sign Petroangelo. Show you’re serious about changing the attitude.