NHL Rumor Mill – November 16, 2022

by | Nov 16, 2022 | Rumors | 44 comments

The Sharks are willing to entertain offers for Erik Karlsson plus the latest on the Senators’ efforts to find a defenseman in today’s NHL Rumor Mill.


NHL.COM: Nicholas J. Cotsonika reports San Jose Sharks general manager Mike Grier said he’s willing to listen to trade offers for Erik Karlsson. However, he indicated he would discuss any potential deal with the 32-year-old defenseman, who holds a full no-movement clause.

He’s got the trade protection and (has control over) what he wants to do, “ Grier told Cotsonika. “I know right now he’s happy. His family’s happy here. And we’re thrilled with how he’s playing.”

San Jose Sharks defenseman Erik Karlsson (NHL Images).

Karlsson is off to a strong start to this season. He leads all NHL defensemen with 10 goals and 24 points in 18 games. Grier praised him as one of the three best offensive blueliners in the league, singling out his preparation, practice and play. Nevertheless, the Sharks GM didn’t rule out a trade if something came up down the road.

SAN JOSE HOCKEY NOW: Sheng Peng pointed out Karlsson’s contract will make him difficult to move. In addition to his full no-movement clause, he’s carrying an average annual value of $11.5 million through 2026-27. Peng wondered whether the Sharks would be willing to retain a portion of that cap hit and how much, as well as what circumstances would make Karlsson waive his NMC.

THE ATHLETIC: Pierre LeBrun shared Peng’s viewpoint and also wondered how much of Karlsson’s cap hit the Sharks would be willing to absorb.

TSN: Chris Johnston reports Grier’s comments sounded like nobody is pressing for a trade here. Nevertheless, if a team approached the Sharks GM about Karlsson he would at least be open to that conversation. Johnston suggested that might be worth watching closely near the March 3 trade deadline.

THE SCORE: Josh Wegman pointed out Grier already shipped out one expensive defenseman in Brent Burns by shipping him in July to the Carolina Hurricanes.

SPECTOR’S NOTE: Grier’s comments were bound to cause a stir in the rumor mill. Karlsson’s impressive performance this season already prompted some media musings about whether he’d get shopped this season.

We can’t rule anything out but it’s not going to be easy to make that move. Karlsson has to agree to waive his NMC and so far there’s no indication he wants out of San Jose. That could change if the club is on pace to miss the playoffs and Grier tells him they’re going to rebuild.

If Karlsson agrees to get traded, it will also depend on whether the Sharks retain part of his cap hit and how much of it they’re willing to absorb. They did retain 33 percent ($2.72 million) of Burns’ $8 million cap hit. However, they’re only carrying that dead cap space through 2024-25.

Any amount they retain up to 50 percent ($5.75 million) of Karlsson’s cap hit will be two years beyond ’24-’25. I daresay interested clubs will want the Sharks to retain half.

It could prove difficult to move Karlsson during the season. Such a deal might have to wait until the offseason when teams have more cap space and tradeable assets to work with.


NHL.COM: Shawn P. Roarke reports Ottawa Senators general manager Pierre Dorion said he’s “very active” looking to see what’s available in the trade market to help his club. They’ve short two defensemen with Thomas Chabot and Artem Zub currently sidelined by injuries.

I think we’re just going to keep looking,” said Dorion. “If we can add externally, we’ll look at that.” He also joked that he was among the most popular people at the recent general managers’ meeting.

OTTAWA SUN: Bruce Garrioch noted that Arizona Coyotes defenseman Jakob Chychrun is set to make his season debut on Nov. 21 after being sidelined by offseason wrist surgery.

He indicates the Senators, Toronto Maple Leafs, Florida Panthers, St. Louis Blues, Anaheim Ducks, Columbus Blue Jackets and Los Angeles Kings are among the clubs believed to have had talks with the Coyotes. The asking price is high, said to start with two first-round picks and a high-end prospect.

SPECTOR’S NOTE: If there was a reasonable deal for a decent defenseman to be had, I think Dorion would’ve made it by now. As for Chychrun, I doubt the Coyotes will start getting any serious offers until he’s had several games under his belt without any lingering effects from his wrist surgery. Whether the Senators will be among the bidders remains to be seen.

And no, the Senators aren’t going to make a bid for Karlsson. His age, cap hit and asking price rule that out plus I don’t think he’ll have a hankering to return to Ottawa. If he waives his NMC, it’ll likely be to join a legitimate playoff contender.


  1. Ottawa Senators general manager Pierre Dorion said he’s “Very Active” looking to see what’s available in the trade market to help his club

    Leafs GM & habs GM also looking

    Ok Sen’s & Habs & Leaf Fans…
    what are your teams going to offer in a Trade for the Sharks RD man Erik Karlsson❓

    Erik Karlsson was made available yesterday bye the Sharks GM👍

    • Karlsson burned his bridges to Ottawa – and the remains were ground to dust. Even if he were willing to waive his NMC to return here I seriously doubt Dorion would even nibble. Forget that. NOT going to happen.

    • Not saying it could or would happen but I’d offer Sandin, Muzzin (for future cap relief and possible trade value at next years deadline for SJ), and a couple prospects NOT named Knies, Niemela or Robertson. Half salary retained on Karlson.

      • Hard pass by SJ.

      • @lago, I would expect a pass, but that’s likely the best they’ll get with his age and years of poor performances.
        The problem for SJ is that keeping him doesn’t do them any good, and this little resurgence may not last till the deadline. It may be prudent to trade him for the best return and payroll-dump they can get before his play drops back to what it’s been the last few years.

    • Hard pass from Montreal.

  2. 3 teams have enough cap space for Karllson:

    Anahiem, Arizona and Buffalo

    Anahiem is not a playoff team and they seem to be getting younger

    Arizona, imo don’t need a big ticket and should be just a floor team, why spend the money to try and fill a 5000 seat arena. Picture this team in the playoffs and playing in such a small venue. It’s a bad look for the NHL.

    Buffalo would Karlsson waive to go there and would Buffalo think Karlsson could push them into the playoffs.

    I don’t see any team taking Karlsson at full value and then to give up assets. Karllson would be a tough move without the nmc and in any scenario, San Jose would have to retain salary.

    • Agree Caper…. None look like being able to take on Karllsson @ full whack (unless crap comes back with a package loaded with picks/prospects)

      Yotes…. No chance

      Ducks…, can’t see it happening

      Sabres…. No chance he waives to go to them

      Never count out the influence of
      Foley (on McCrimmon) to “buy” a cup…

      Martinez plus bucket O’ picks/prospects for Karllsson (@50%) @ TDL is not as far fetched an outcome as it looks on paper

      Knights doing very well now… but Foley seems to have an itchy trigger finger

  3. There is a possibility Karlsson gets traded but it won’t be this year.
    Teams will wait until the cap goes up substantially which may be next year.
    That will benefit the Sharks as well as it opens up more options and a better return.
    With Karlsson’s cap hit I just don’t see a deal where the sharks can get a fair return even if they retain salary with this years salary cap.

    It’s been talked about the cap could go up over 4m next year.

    I know it won’t be the leafs because they will use the higher cap limit to sign Matthews to a 15m deal.

    • Hi FF

      Sounds logical; but I do think there us a shot he gets moved (with substantial retention) this year

      GMs go cukoo for Coacoa Puffs at TDL….. and some owners (cite Foley) become a little to anxious and hands on re making “crazy” gambles to get to the promised land

      • Hey Pengy,

        You are absolutely right when you say GM’s go Kookoo at TDD which is the wild card that blows my hypothesis out the window.

    • Is it possible to vary the cap retention? For instance, 50% in years 1&2, 25% in years 3 &4?
      Or does it have to be the same % over the life of the contract?

      • Doubleminor, nice theory but no, the cap is spread evenly over the years.

    • I agree. If Karlsson gets traded it will be in a couple of seasons at the earliest. Contending teams who will be in need of Karlsson’s skill set just don’t have the cap space for him. In a couple of seasons and the cap starts to rise again is when those teams will have enough cap space to take Karlsson on.

  4. Ok I’ll bite re Karllson…. Pens on verge of being forced into rebuild unless they turn things around relatively soon…. And owners went all in over the summer

    For a waaaay out there… ships ‘n giggles…..

    Petry (50% retained); Kappy (50% retained) ; Dumo (50% retained) ; O’Connor; Piehling ; De Smith; Legare; *1st (Lottery protected)

    For Karllson (50% retained ) Reimer ; Harrington; and *2nd

    Simpler version…. Petry & Dumo (both @ 50%) , O’Connor; *1st (Lottery protected)


    Karllsson (50%) ; *3rd

    *picks both shift to ‘24 if Pens pick (‘23) is top 10

    • Karlsson is and always was a huge liability defensively. Horrible +/-, probably most overrated player in the league compared with his salary, he can wave his no trade clause all he wants, any gm who trades for him should be fired immediately!

      • Hard pass by SJ.

      • So is Petry.

    • Pengy – I believe a team can only retain 3 salaries at a time, so I don’t see that scenario – with multiple retentions – being likely.

      • Hi Whalercane

        The deal for sure is far-fetched but does comply regarding retentions….Pens would be retaining a n 3 contracts, Sharks 1 in the first scenario

        In the alternate scenario I proposed it is 2 retentions to 1 (Pens, Sharks respectively)

        First scenario is a pipe dream because of all the assets changing hands

        Scenario 2 obviously has more likelihood but still a long-shot. Also second scenario has Sharks getting 4 assets for 1 AND netting ~ $10 M in future commitments

        Karllsson in and Petry/Dumo out would certainly improve things huge for Pens

        Tanger Pettersson
        Karllsson P-O J

    • please … just stop

  5. Rasmus Ristolainen to Ottawa for a 2nd Round pick in 2024… let the house-cleaning in Philly start now!

    • Hello FF,
      🇺🇸Philly need to figure out what and where they are going…there d is young 29 and under apart from there UFA J.Braun

      They just signed RD Rasmus Ristolainen 5yr at $5.1
      dont think they are trading him❓

      First trade out of Philly…. 100% should be GENERAL MANAGER: Chuck Fletcher….✔️✔️

      The Top 4 or the top 6 forwards Are All Old and on a downward slide

      out injured are
      Sean Couturier
      James van Riemsdyk
      They could do a 18 month rebuild up front

      Right now they are 11th spot in the east and more than likly going to miss the playoffs Again❗️🙈

  6. Maybe George can provide some insight here. It seems to me that Mike Reilly was traded from Ottawa on good terms. Why would they let him clear through waivers? A solid 2nd/3rd pairing d-man who can man a power play. They can easily afford his salary.

    I’m actually thinking Boston hangs onto him, rather than trading him; he’s great injury insurance. For his sake though, I wouldn’t mind seeing him go somewhere that can give him NHL playing time; he doesn’t belong in the AHL.

    • DM,
      Reilly isn’t picked by anybody because he just isn’t a good D, never mind his absurd 3 million contract.

      He needs a league minimum salary and fits as a 7-8 D, one who can play a few games with 0 expectations and look good while his glaring weaknesses are forgiven.

      Too many posters here sung his praises while he was/is on their team til they eventually woke up.

      He’s great in the locker room and is a beautiful skater…..low hockey IQ.
      A very frustrating player.

  7. DoubleMinor, Ottawa wasn’t the only team to pass on Reiley this time around. Nor are they the only team searching about for D. Except in their case, what they want is a top 4 D with term. Reilly is just OK – but he’s definitely not top 4 type.

    Right now they’re without Chabot and Zub – but the latter is die back any day – perhaps by the next game. Chabot is out for about a week to 10 days.

    With Bernard-Docker and Larsson up (and playing ok) to go along with Sanderson, Hamonic, Holden and Brannstrom, and Thomson developing his game in Belleville, Reilly offers no great improvement anywhere. And what would they do with him when Chabot and Zub are back? Besides, as has been discussed here the past few days, it isn’t so much their D (or their goaltending) that is causing them to stutter right now – rather it’s an unimaginative coaching staff unwilling – or incapable – of coming up with a better overall approach (ALL of their losses to date have been 1-goal affairs – not counting empty-netters of which they’ve allowed 6 – most in the league. Not counting those, they’ve given up 46 goals with their netminder in ).

    As I say, 30 other teams passed on him as well and as I posted a few days ago, it seems the D, in general, is not as critical an issue in Ottawa as some keep trying to claim.

    Updated as of last night’s games, the Senators currently have 53 goals against and an overall differential of -2.

    That compares to Detroit and Tampa Bay, both also with 53 ga – but a -7 in Detroit’s case and only a +1 for Tampa.

    There are, currently, 10 teams worse – some significantly:

    Anaheim – 70ga -25
    Vancouver 70ga -12
    Columbus 65ga -22
    Los Angeles 63ga -2
    San Jose 62ga -10
    Washington 58ga -7
    Edmonton 58ga +1
    Pittsburgh 57ga -1
    Arizona 54ga -14
    Nashville 52ga -10

    All clearly need to address their D – but none nibbled on Reiley.

    That’s the way I see it, anyway.

    • All good points George. I do think though, if some of those “other 30 teams” had the cap space that Reilly would be playing elsewhere at this point.

      • Could well be the case – but who, for example? Of the teams I listed with goal differentials no better than Ottawa’s – and in several cases much much worse, Arizona has $21 mil in cap space, Anaheim has $16 mil, Detroit has $7.6 mil, Edmonton has $4.7 mil, L.A. has $3.6 mil, and Washington just over $3 mil – each of which could easily have absorbed Reilly and his $3 mil hit (with a little bit of roster juggling so could Tampa Bay, Nashville and Columbus – many thanks to having LTIRs).

        Would any among Pittburgh, San Jose, Vancouver have claimed him if they had the space? Vancouver, certainly, needs help on D.

    • A lot of those teams can’t fit $3 million into their cap. They all will need to make a trade for him and so they can send cap back, or need Boston to retain some cap.

  8. Ignoring Cap issues I think Florida is the only true fit that can contend with adding EK.
    Toronto makes the most sense if cap was not a thing-its impossible to make that work.

    Every other contender or team in a good spot right now does not need to bring EK while losing current core players. I even say this about the D in NJ and Vegas

  9. ok adding to my original post–

    Muzzin could be out for the season.
    Are the Leafs better NOW if they swap Marner for EK and Timo?
    the biggest Cons are #1 how does EK fit or get moved after their ‘Cup’ next spring. #2 TImo is a RFA…do they move or resign. #3 without Marner here and AM possibly becoming an UFA in the following summer whats the Leafs future?

  10. Heh ds – I think you’ve answered your own question.

    Not only are the Leafs not about to deal Marner, with San Jose clearly embarking on a full re-build – probably with some more high-end picks in the offing – would they want to be saddled with a $10,903,000 per F who’s a UFA after two more seasons at a time when they’ll faced with perhaps dealing with some of the high-end picks reaching RFA status?

    As for Matthews, I would be totally surprised if he opted to test the UFA market when he comes due? Where the heck is he going to go? Forget Arizona – despite the fact he’s from the area – why would anyone with an ounce of brains opt to go to that revolving circus?

    The Leafs will have plenty of cap. Matthews is a UFA the same time as Nylander and Murray, whose $6,962,366 and $4,687,500 hits coming off the books (they’re likely to be dealt at the 2023-24 trade deadline day), added to whatever cap increases have occurred (said to be $4 mil next year) gives them a good cushion to re-up Matthews at $15 mil.

    Marner becomes a UFA the same time as Tavares (2024-25) – and I doubt he’s re-signed so there’s another $11 mil which which to play. Muzzin and his $5,625,000 hit and Brodie and his $5 mil one will be history in TO as well.

    There’ll likely be a few more big-ticket UFAs coming on the market then so who knows what other moves the Leafs will make at that time to strengthen themselves around Matthews and Marner?

    I know one thing – Karlsson ain’t about to become a Leaf.

    • good points all around George

      Bottom line is that the Leafs are not going 4 rounds with this current roster or with EK

      • ds, have to agree there. willie w, that’s the key – no one knows what Matthews is thinking, nor are we likely to get an inkling … until the time comes.

        We can speculate until the crows come home – but I think the first hint of what may lie ahead will come as he enters his UFA year and, if no extension has been negotiated/signed, the rumours start cranking up as we get closer to that season’s trade deadline and the media buzz and speculation starts as each claims to have heard from his aunt’s ex-husband’s cleaner as what he intends to do.

      • No, we don’t know what he is thinking George, and he seems to like it in TOR.
        My guess is he may test, simply for leverage, which might be why he signed for 5 yrs ves longer. There will be no shortage of interest, including my B’s.

    • Hello George,
      Agreed with some of the stuff you have said

      What if Austin Mathews really wants to get a Cup before he signs a 7 yr contract somewhere .. and then he go’s home to AZ for the opening of the New Arena in 2025-6 season ,….🤔

      Could he go to Edmonton Oilers and play one season with his good buddy Connor McDavid…?
      they spend a couple of weeks in AZ each year❓
      bye then he will have made $60M+++

      He is back home in AZ any time he can get there, im sure he want to be closer to Home he buildt a New big house the 2 years ago ..
      Posible new teams he would go to will be in the west coast of the USA,
      AZ, Vegas, Seatle, rebuilding Ducks or LA kings

      They Maple leafs are a moving Mess…., after Morgan Reiley there d is filled with 6,7, & 8th, Defencemen
      They dont have a Top 4 d,😳
      they need a karlsson more than they know but have no cap room from for d/men

      the big 4 will more than likly NOT re-sign in Toronto, they may get one
      the New GM in 2023 will have a Big Mess to clean up with a Very Very Poor Prospect pool

    • There will be plenty of Teams that will have cap space in the summer of 2024.
      If Matthews his the market it will be frenzy.

  11. 4 positive seasons over the previous 13 on plus minus . Not nearly physical enough No thanks Eric. At any price unless it a Pacioretty type deal

    With the prevalent need for D across most of the league ,I say Chychrun is moved before Xmas. Of course unless he gets hurt again prior. I see a groin injury in the not too distant future

    • That’ll be a new one to add to his growing resume of injuries.

  12. Dorion needs to call blake and get a deal done, LA has the D the Sens needs just have to figure out a deal. Either that or a deal for Murphy from Chi.

    Dammit george tell dorion to read my post ffs, :))

    Chyc goes to LA once he proves hes healthy.

    • Hello MP,
      I think LA has to many d/man Right now…
      They have 8 on the roster and have 4 very good young prospects coming up 2xLD & 2 RD….⁉️

      Kings Top Priority is
      A need for Good Centre to complement there wingers first and foremost

      IF the Canucks trade Bo Horvat dont be surprised if LA kings do a trade with Prospects they have lots prospect Forwards and d/men they could use in a trade and a pick to get Bo Horvat….❓

      He would make a Great 2 line Centre,
      they have $3.6 in cap space with 50% salary retained it could work very nicely for both teams….🤔

      • I think the Kings would trade for D before C.
        They have a good 2C in Danault and a 20 yr old Byfield getting some seasoning.
        They do have the assets though.

      • And don’t look now, but they’re also 2nd in the Pacific and 4th overall with their great start. If they do deal a D it will be from strength – not desperation – and so anyone wanting one of those surplus D (especially if they got Chychrun in the interim) will have to cough up some decent assets that they can safely bank in their system.

  13. Well Hoffman would need to be included becasue those two (their wives especially) cannot be in the same room.

    Baron, Mailloux, Edmunson, Hoffman + a pick no salary retained.